Venue Sourcing
We have a wealth of experience finding venues to suit you
We source the exciting, the weird, the wonderful, the different and the exceptional. Our teams have visited and worked with thousands of venues across the UK. We source the right venue/location, for your event.
venue sourcing
Ultra White Events
venue sourcing & conferences
LV= UK Meetings and Events
conferences & venue sourcing
Nuffield Health, UK Conference
conferences & event management & venue sourcing
LV= Cool Conference
event management & venue sourcing
1920's Christmas Party
What do our clients say
Ultra Events organise over 500 events across the UK, in every major town and city. Since 2014 we have relied on Seventa Events to make all new bookings for us.
We have always found them to be efficient and they have always arranged great venues for us. They negotiate fantastic costs in venues, better in fact than we could get if we dealt directly. I would recommend them to anyone looking for assistance with event organisation.